Unwind on the Greens

13 Mar 2025

Join the team from ANU Sport for a variety of workouts over the summer season and unwind at the end of a busy day as the sun sets over Black Mountain.

After a challenging 2020, we invite you to join us weekly from 20th January to the 24th February to participate in a group fitness class and unwind on the Kambri Greens. The 1-hour classes will vary each week, from high-intensity circuit and interval training to a more relaxing yoga flow.

Sessions will be held on Wednesday afternoons commencing at 5:30pm and will be hosted by one of the highly skilled ANU Sport group fitness instructors. No experience is required – just ensure you come with a positive attitude and are ready to enjoy moving your body and relaxing your mind.

Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable workout clothing, enclosed shoes (not necessary for yoga) and bring their own exercise mats (available to loan from ANU Sport if required).

20th January — Sh’bam with Kara Chalson

Sh’bam is a fun-loving dance workout. No dance experience is required and any fitness level can join in a simple, yet sassy, dance party.

27th January — Pilates with Lynn Materne

Mat work Pilates is designed to strengthen the body for injury prevention and pelvic floor issues; the focus is on mobility, core strength, posture and body awareness.

3rd February — HIIT with Emily Ryan

High-intensity interval training is a form of interval training focused on cardiovascular exercise, alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods to give you an effective workout.

10th February — Body Attack with Jackie Crombie

A high-energy class to improve stamina, coordination and agility as this class includes athletic movements such as running, lunging and jumping combined with strength exercises.

17th February — Sh’bam with Kara Chalson

24th February — Body Balance with Lynn Materne

A program combining the practices of Yoga, Tai chi, Pilates and stretching for a class that leaves you feeling relaxed and renewed.

Each class will run on Wednesdays starting at 5:30 pm and will run for an hour.

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