This event was STRICTLY 18+
What are the top three travel essentials for any holiday? Passport, phone and a tambourine. If you thought anything else, you’re incorrect and this probably wasn’t the show for you anyway.
Luke Kidgell has travelled the world with nothing but a tambourine by his side. From the Statue of Liberty to the Big Buddha in Thailand, Luke and the tambourine have witnessed some of the greatest wonders of mankind on their travels, and then the tambourine came Down Under.
The Big Buddha showed Luke the path to enlightenment, and Luke showed him the first 30 seconds of Jet’s song, Are You Gonna Be My Girl, on the tambourine (because it’s always important to share culture!).
After a sell-out national tour in 2018 and with over 400,000 fans, a national radio show, a popular comedy podcast called Memoirs of a White Guy and the ability to play over two songs on the tambourine, Luke is one of the biggest comedy entertainers in the country with natural percussive talent.