Archie Roach Meet the author

15 Nov 2019

In association with ANU School of Music and ANU National Centre for Indigenous Studies.

Tell Me Why is the intimate and moving memoir from legendary singer-songwriter and storyteller Archie Roach. Celebrate the publication of Archie’s life – a stunning account of love, heartbreak, survival and renewal – by hearing from Archie in conversation and also performing from his new album.

Roach’s songs have long been an extension of his extraordinary life, and Tell Me Why offers deep insight into the world of this Australian icon in a way never before told. Roach has had many chapters to his life. He’s been a stolen child, seeker, teenage alcoholic, lover, father, musical and lyrical genius, social advocate and First Nations leader, and he continues to spread joy, hope and love with his music to this day.

Roach has a special new companion album, also called Tell Me Why, which will be on sale alongside the book. The album, whose tracks are woven through the chapters of the book, contains three brand new recordings, 11 classic songs reimagined, two previously unreleased songs, and two songs that influenced Archie early in his life. Archie has recently been named the 2020 Victoria Australian of the Year.

John Paul Janke is Wuthathi from Cape York and from Murray Island in the Torres Strait. John Paul has worked in media and communications related roles within Indigenous Affairs for some thirty years. John Paul is the co-host of NITV’s flagship news and current affairs show The Point, joined the National NAIDOC Committee in 2012 and is the Co-Chair of the Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre in Canberra.

The vote of thanks will be given by Professor Asmi Wood, Interim Director, National Centre for Indigenous Studies. ANU MC will be Associate Professor Kim Cunio, Head of the School of Music ANU.

Pre-event book signings will be available from 6:30pm and again after the event.

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