Join Good Omen Goodeze (GOG) at Kambri for a ‘darn’ good time!

Want to be part of a community needlecraft group making comfort ‘goodies’ for hospital patients? Read on!

We spoke to Canberra resident Mary Liondi-Barlow who founded the charity Good Omen Goodeze (affectionately known as ‘GOG’), and Melanie Greenhalgh who manages ANU Thrive, about an exciting partnership that benefits a wide range of people across the Canberra community …

Mary, how did Good Omen Goodeze grow from a one-woman initiative?

“After knitting a beanie for a loved one undergoing chemotherapy, I began gifting my creations to patients and their families at the Canberra Hospital in about May 2017. A lot of my friends and colleagues and then people from the broader community started to join me. In October 2017 we decided we should give ourselves a name and form as an actual group. So it happened organically – I certainly didn’t set out to do anything like this!”

Melanie, how did Kambri at ANU become involved with GOG?

“I manage ANU Thrive which is within the wellbeing portfolio at ANU. GOG contacted us in September 2020 when they had received a small grant from the ACT government to provide knitting and crocheting workshops, specifically targeting university students. Then it got accelerated as we began to understand more about COVID and the fact that, particularly our international students, weren’t going to be able to leave campus. Traditionally, campus empties in November until February but suddenly we realised we were going to have quite a large cohort of people that were staying on campus and also in Canberra!”

Mary, how has the partnership with Kambri helped GOG?

“A great benefit has been Kambri’s support with the room we’ve been given to use for our meetings there. Prior to that we’d been meeting at the Canberra Hospital, but in May 2020 during COVID everything shut down, particularly volunteer services. People weren’t allowed in the hospital anymore so we ended up going online for a while, trying to keep our members connected with each other, and connected with GOG itself.”

“Then through a chance meeting of one of the ANU+ members at a different event, we found out about ANU Thrive, so it rolled on from there and they were able to support us with a space to hold the workshop. The workshops were so successful that Kambri offered us a larger room for the members to meet in, as well as for the students to join in. Having it on campus has been a fantastic opportunity because we had the students attending workshops but we also wanted to include them within GOG itself. The joy that our members get from passing on their skill and creativity – it’s an amazing experience.”

Melanie, how has the partnership with GOG helped Kambri?

“GOG was supported by the ACT Health Directorate which helped them supply 25 ‘Starter Packs’ for students that included knitting needles, crochet hooks, yarn, and patterns. The participants were able to keep them, which allowed them to continue to work on their project. We now have GOG conducting their regular working bees in the Marie Reay Teaching Centre, which Kambri at ANU have been so kind to offer as a free space.” 

“Holding these working bees gives students an opportunity to step away from study, to go and connect with other people that live in Canberra, and particularly older people as well. What’s really beautiful about it is the students are able to complete a project that is then used to support people who are in hospital. We know it’s good for the mental health and social aspects for the students, but then something concrete comes out of it as well.”

Mary, how many people usually attend the working bees at Kambri and what sort of items do volunteers make?

“Usually there’s up to 50 people, and they range in age from university students right through to ladies in their 90s!”

“Initially we mainly made beanies and blankets, but with so many people with so many different skills and ideas joining, it’s grown and I can’t tell you the number of different things that we actually make now! But we generally start beginners off with squares to knit together to make a blanket, so most of the new students who joined they’ve produced a square that we will eventually join together with everybody else’s square to create one large blanket to gift from the project to the ICU at Canberra Hospital.”

Melanie, what are some other benefits for ANU students involved with GOG?

“We’ve registered GOG as a volunteer organisation so any students that are participating in the project can also get acknowledgement of their volunteer hours, and if they do a certain amount that then goes on to their ANU transcript. More people are looking for the ‘whole person’, so students can say ‘This is also what I did to contribute to community’ and hopefully they’ll continue volunteering through their life beyond the campus.”

“During that period of time over summer we had so many international students come along, and it was just pure joy. Learning about each other, and we saw them swapping details and social media, so they could connect in other ways across the summer. That was for us, one of the major outcomes – we wanted to make sure people didn’t feel isolated and that they could talk with others that were experiencing similar type of feelings and emotions about not being able to go home. So, it was a very positive project!”

“The collaboration on this project was really lovely. Each party was saying ‘Let’s make this happen!’. There was a really beautiful, positive energy and willingness to make it work. It’s a brilliant example of community development which is supported by ANU Thrive, Kambri and GOG’s vision.”

Mary, what’s the key to the success of GOG? 

“I think it’s the fact that we created a community. The community that grew when I started it was important to my wellbeing and my mental health, and I can see that as we’ve moved along that’s still the main gift – we bring people together, all ages, all nationalities, from every walk of life. We have the local community and, obviously, our GOG members but we’ve got the university students at ANU, and they all come together. The joy that I get seeing all these people mix, having the time of their lives being creative and caring. For me, that’s one of the most important things, secondary to the beautiful items we make for patients and families who need them. It’s kind of twofold I think.”

Melanie, how can members of the Kambri community get involved?

One of the easiest ways is to jump on to the ANU Thrive social media pages: @ThriveANU on Facebook and @thrive_anu on Instagram.

Or you can email [email protected] or visit the website https://www.anu.edu.au/students/contacts/anu-thrive

For information on how you can become involved with the Good Omen Goodeze Community Threads Project, visit https://goodomengoodeze.org.au/community-threads-project/

For general information about Good Omen Goodeze visit their website https://goodomengoodeze.org.au or follow them on Facebook @GoGoodeze

Catching up with the team at the National Health Co-op at Kambri Part 2

We caught up with Dr. Michael Tedeschi (GP) and Stefanie Lekkas (Accredited Practicing Dietitian) to find out more about their roles at the National Health Co-op at Kambri …

Stefanie Lekkas commenced her work at the National Health Co-op as an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) in 2014, having obtained both her Food Science and Nutrition degree and Master of Dietetics from Deakin University in Melbourne. She lifts the lid on what the job entails …

How did you get into your field of work?

I’ve always been interested in food – in eating well and being healthy. It all came about because one of my teachers at high school suggested it – I think I was in Year Nine at the time. I went on to do my Bachelor degree and my Masters and I’ve been working as a dietitian for about seven years.

How long have you worked at Kambri?

I’ve been here for around two years now, since March 2019. I did a full year face-to-face with clients, and then when COVID hit I started working from home doing phone and video consults.

Who are your clients?

I see staff and students, for a whole range of reasons. Anything you can think of that’s to do with food and anything you can think of that’s to do with the digestive system.

When I have new patients the first thing I tell them is that I’m not going to put them on a diet! I know the word ‘diet’ is in the job title, but I’m what you might call a non-diet dietitian. Unless of course there’s a specific reason why you have to be on a strict diet such as coeliac disease or a diagnostic diet for irritable bowel syndrome.

What conditions do you treat?

I get all sorts of conditions at all sorts of stages and ages.

I see students who have recently been diagnosed with something, for example, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a common one. Fatty Liver is becoming more common, even in our younger population. Hypertension or high blood pressure, prediabetes, diabetes.

I see people for what I would call disordered eating, which is not quite eating disorders, although there are some students with eating disorders that I do see as well, in conjunction with psychologists, because that’s not a one-man show.

I see students who have just moved out of home and they’ve never cooked for themselves before – they’ve found themselves with a small kitchen and they’re not quite sure what to do with it, or they’re finding that eating out every day is either not good for their hip pocket or not good for the blood test results that their doctors have ordered for them.

It’s about how we improve health outcomes in a practical kind of way.

How many patients would you see in a typical day?

I’ve got space for eight 45-minute consultations. On Mondays I finish early so I have seven, but usually it’s eight and it’s pretty well packed!

What’s your favourite part of the job?

Getting to talk about food is pretty fun! I love it. My favourite part, however, is when a patient has a breakthrough for themselves. I often talk about intuitive eating and mindful eating and being in touch with your own body’s cues, and you get those moments where someone comes in and shares how they have been able to connect with themselves and actually listen to what their body’s telling them, and that’s always really cool because they repeat to you what you were about to tell them. That’s really heartening.

Also I love the times when I get to be a detective. My role turns from educator and counsellor, which is the more classic interpretations of what a dietitian does, and then there’s this new thing that I get to do – to be a diet detective. Someone comes in and says, “I feel bloated in the afternoons and I have issues with x&y” and we go through what it is that they might be eating and we can do a bit of detective work to figure out whether it’s foods that are triggering these symptoms or whether it’s some other environmental factors, or stress.

You’re not just looking at what the person is eating but how they’re eating and why they’re eating, and how can we tweak that to be better for the patient.

What are some of your favourite foods?

Oh, I suck at picking favourites because I like so many things! My mum makes a traditional Greek Cypriot dish called Pastitsio. It’s like Greece’s answer to lasagne. It’s made with penne pasta, mince and bechamel sauce.

A lazy Sunday morning breakfast would be some crepes with some fresh fruit, or a savory crepe with melted cheese. And then, I guess it depends on the weather, we might do some slow cooked lamb shanks or go for a more Japanese-style meal – our take on sushi, with some fresh fish from the Farmers Market. It really varies at my place.

What do you enjoy about working in the Kambri precinct?

It’s so pretty. Number one, it’s just lovely to be around. We’ve got the creek right under our noses, and the building itself that we’re in is really new, so everything is shiny and fancy. We’ve got beautiful windows and I think that’s so important for wellbeing – working somewhere where you can see the outside world and get some natural light. I love working there because, depending on the time of year I can get away with not turning my lights on and doing my consulting with natural light, which is awesome.

I like that it’s close to things; it’s easy to get to. There are some great little shops to explore – it’s nice that we have variety and plenty of dedicated outdoor space for students and staff to hang around. I like to take a lunchtime stroll along the creek.

The National Health Co-op is located in the Health and Wellbeing Centre, on Level 2 of Building 156. ANU students receive free membership, allowing access to bulk billed GPs and other health services. Visit www.nhc.coop/anu for more information.

Catching up with the team at the National Health Co-op at Kambri Part 1

We caught up with Dr. Michael Tedeschi (GP) and Stefanie Lekkas (Accredited Practicing Dietitian) to find out more about their roles at the National Health Co-op at Kambri …

If you think Dr. Michael Tedeschi has a familiar face, it’s probably because he’s been a GP at the Australian National University for almost a quarter of a century! He took some time out to fill us in on his very busy schedule …

How long have you been a GP?

I’ve been a GP on the Australian National University campus for 24 years, working under the banner of the National Health Co-op since 2018. I’ve been looking after some patients for 20+ years!

I’m also specialist physician at Canberra Hospital – I’ve been there for 41 years. I’m a specialist half my life and a GP half my life!

Why did you get into this field of medicine?

I basically fell into it by accident! I was a lecturer in general practice under the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and doing a little bit of general practice. The GP who was running the ANU health service is a friend of mine, and he rang me in desperation one day because some of his GPs were sick, one had resigned and one was away. He was on his own and he wasn’t coping. He said, “Would you come and work for a day or two?”

So, I went and worked for him just for a couple of days and I really enjoyed it. It was really fun. And the rest is history. I signed up and became a part-time doctor there and I’ve been there ever since – I think it was late 1997, so it’s a long time ago. When the NHC took over I stayed with them on campus.

What services do you offer at Kambri?

It’s a traditional general practice service, similar to most suburban GPs. The main difference is that we don’t see the general public; we just see current students and current staff.

We don’t see a lot of very elderly people because the patient load is current students and staff members, so we see the sort of spectrum of illnesses you would expect in a young population – mental health issues, sports injuries, that kind of thing.

What’s your favourite part of the job?

I like dealing with young people; I relate well to them. I remember my own student days clearly and I feel young inside, and I think that translates in the way I deal with students. You look older, but you feel the same, so I just relate to this group really well, and enjoy dealing with them.

What do you enjoy about working in the Kambri precinct?

I enjoy the facilities the precinct has to offer. I enjoy the food and the coffee. I enjoy lots of people being around and I love the proximity to the city. I like being able to meet people and seeing old patients on campus. You become a part of university life, which is really nice. It feels like you’ve got your own special following of patients. I enjoy all those aspects.

What have been some of the biggest changes/challenges you’ve seen over the decades?

I’ve never seen anything like COVID! We did a lot of our consults via Telehealth last year – while doable, it isn’t the same. It’s impersonal. To be done well, general practice requires personal contact. It requires you to be in the same room as the person and read their body language, it requires all sorts of subtleties that you don’t get over the phone.

There was that fear around March/April – we were wearing masks, the patient were wearing masks, but we didn’t know whether we would be able to stay open. We did stay open but it was something I had never experienced. Things eased up a lot towards the end of last year – we stopped worrying about it really.

I’m also a clinical senior lecturer at the ANU medical school – that’s one of my other important roles. During COVID, my lecturing has all been done by Zoom, which I’ve never done before. Again, it’s do-able but it’s not the same as lecturing students in person. I’ve been a lecturer since the new ANU medical school was first opened 15 years ago, and I lecture to students across all four years of the medical school.

What are some of your hobbies outside of work?

I love orienteering; that’s my main sport these days. I’m a terrible orienteer – I’m one of the worst in Canberra. They give out a trophy every year for the worst orienteer – it’s called the ‘slow and steady’ award. It’s a giant turtle that you’re allowed to keep for a year on your mantlepiece and I was the recipient of that. I don’t know if you could be proud of that or not!

I love bushwalking. I love travel and I like spending time with the family. I’m looking forward to getting back to travel again!

The National Health Co-op is located in the Health and Wellbeing Centre, on Level 2 of Building 156. ANU students receive free membership, allowing access to bulk billed GPs and other health services. Visit www.nhc.coop/anu for more information.

CIMF 2021 at Kambri

We’re striking a chord with the Canberra International Music Festival at Kambri …

The eclectic sounds of musicians from all over Australia will fill the autumn air this April and May, with special performances in the precinct as part of the 2021 Canberra International Music Festival.

Kambri at ANU – in partnership with the Canberra International Music Festival (CIMF) – are proud to be presenting innovative art music of exceptional quality.

The starting point of this year’s 10-day event is ‘…the idea of Vienna’, but prominent Indigenous artists and ANU School of Music students take centre stage in this project.

The 2021 Festival runs from 29 April to 9 May, with two dates scheduled for Kambri:

Thursday 29 April


Outdoor Amphitheatre – Kambri Precinct


One Seventeen are an emerging jazz fusion band from Canberra, bringing a much-needed dose of energy to your ears. Since forming at the ANU School of Music in late 2019, One Seventeen have been refining their sound, aided by the School’s high quality rehearsal spaces, and top of the line recording studio.

Guest Feature – musician Baran Yildiz.


aMBUSH Gallery, Kambri at ANU

Cost: $10 (redeemable at the door for a glass of Lerida wine)

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/william-barton-in-concert-with-the-anu-school-of-music-tickets-149983547829

William Barton and ANU School of Music

In a tranquil art gallery setting, be mesmerised by the artistry of William Barton, a Kalkadunga man, didjeridu player, electric guitarist, and classically trained composer.

William will be playing in conjunction with members of the ANU School of Music jazz faculty.

Friday 7 May


Outdoor Amphitheatre – Kambri Precinct


Well-crafted and laid-back jazz-pop is the musical premise for the four-month-old Canberran duo, Burnish. Ally Hocking-Howe and Nick Chenery are ANU School of Music Students with an eclectic repertoire comprising well-known pop and jazz standards. Since November 2020, Nick and Ally have played a number of private and corporate functions across the ACT with nothing but glowing reviews from patrons. Through the tasteful instrumentation of gorgeous electrified Jazz-Violin and Jazz-Box Guitar, Burnish aim to promote a smooth, jubilant and easy-on-ear atmosphere. With a laid-back vocal approach and stylistic improvisation, Burnish provide the sound to make you close your eyes and go ‘Damn, that’s actually good!’


aMBUSH Gallery, Kambri at ANU

Cost: $10 (redeemable at the door for a glass of Lerida wine)

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/dobby-with-dj-diola-tickets-149985856735


DOBBY is a multi-instrumentalist and powerful young voice in the Australian music scene. Straddling hip-hop as well as classical, he is known for bouncing between piano, drums, and drum pads, with his unique signature ‘drapping’ (rapping and drumming at the same time). Performing together with DJ Diola, the result is never less than mind blowing.

Join us at Kambri to experience provoking, vibrant and uplifting performances thanks to the Canberra International Music Festival.

HERE I AM: Art by Great Women upcoming events 2021

Dance! Draw! Paint! Weave! Exercise! Create! There’s still plenty of ways to engage your creativity this summer at Kambri …

Immerse yourself in a variety of inspiring workshops devised for families, students and the general public as part of the HERE I AM: Art by Great Women festival.

Participants will learn hands-on skills directly from professional women specialising in artforms including life drawing, dancing, traditional Indigenous weaving, linocut and painting.

Numbers are limited across all workshops, so book quickly to secure your spot.


Culture on the Move Workshop | Bush Animal Weaving

19, 20 and 21 January 2021
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Drama Theatre, Cultural Centre

Ronnie Jordan is a proud Kalkadoon woman who will share her traditional ecological knowledge with you.

Enjoy a hands-on workshop where you and your child each create a woven bush animal. The workshop inspires a connection to Aboriginal culture, and both children and adults will learn techniques of the age-old art of traditional weaving.

Dance Workshop | Kulture Break

20 and 21 January 2021
9:00 am – 11:30 am
Kambri Lawns

An introduction to the basic skills and foundations of dance and a sequence dance routine from Kulture Break. These workshops are empowering, entertaining and engaging for all ages and abilities.

Established in 2002, Kulture Break is a not-for-profit social enterprise mental health and well-being community service provider committed to the transformation and empowerment of children and youth.

Culture on the Move Workshop | Fish Trap Weaving

23 January 2021
10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Drama Theatre, Cultural Centre

Come and learn from Ronnie Jordan – a proud Kalkadoon woman – in a traditional fish trap weaving workshop.

Enjoy a hands-on workshop which inspires a connection to Aboriginal culture and learn techniques of the age-old art of traditional weaving.

Paint Pinot Workshops

30 January 2021 (‘Highland Cow’ workshop)
31 January 2021 (‘Blue Nude’ workshop)
1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Drama Theatre, Cultural Centre

Relax with a fun afternoon of painting and sipping wine. In three hours, participants will be guided in steps to create their own masterpiece. Absolutely no artistic skill is required, and all materials are supplied so you get to take home your ‘Highland Cow’ or ‘Blue Nude’ painting, ready to hang.

Paint Pinot was launched in regional NSW by artist and teacher Tina Hansen-Jones in 2017 and is based on the hugely popular ‘Paintnite’ events run in cities all over North America.

Sweet and Sour zine | Linocut Valentine’s Day Workshop

Friday, 12 February 2021
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
aMBUSH Gallery

Got a sweetheart for Valentine’s Day yet? This workshop will be led by emerging Asian-Australian printmakers and will explore linocut printmaking techniques. It will begin with a speed ‘dating’ round (for singles and those already partnered just looking to meet new friends) where you have the opportunity to talk to everyone and get to know each other. You can then make your own linocut, and choose to gift it to someone you’ve met!

Unwind on the Greens

Weekly on Wednesdays from 20 January to 24 February
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Kambri Lawns

Join the highly skilled ANU Sport group fitness instructors for a variety of free group workouts over the summer season and unwind at the end of a busy day as the sun sets over Black Mountain.

20th January — Sh’bam with Kara Chalson

27th January — Pilates with Lynn Materne

3rd February — HIIT with Emily Ryan

10th February — Body Attack with Jackie Crombie

17th February — Sh’bam with Kara Chalson

24th February — Body Balance with Lynn Materne

For the full events program, visit: kambri.com.au/event/here-i-am-art-by-great-women/

Kambri Film Fest

The Kambri Film Fest returns, with films that focus on females as part of the HERE I AM festival

This January and February there’s a magnificent lineup of free films to ignite the imaginations of the young and the young-at-heart over three weekends at Kambri.

Held in the comfort of the indoor Kambri Cinema (good for any kind of weather!), movies include ‘Moana’, ‘Scoob’, ‘Dora and the Lost City of Gold’, ‘Secret Life of Pets 2’, ‘A Dog’s Journey’, ‘Ride Like A Girl’, ‘Tenet’, ‘Little Women’, and ‘The Farewell’, to name a few.

The family-friendly films begin at 3pm, with most featuring female leads. Evening sessions are geared towards adults and kick off at 7pm.

Thursday nights will highlight Australian women in film, Friday and Sunday nights will offer female-directed films from the last two years, while Saturday nights are reserved for blockbusters you may have missed in 2020.

In addition to free entry, there’s even one complimentary popcorn and beverage (water, juice or Coke product) for every person who attends!

For full program details and to register for your free tickets via Eventbrite, click here

To make an occasion of it, families and friends of all ages can meet up for a pre-movie meal and drinks at one of Kambri’s popular eateries, before heading into the cinema.

Parking is available at the ANU Kambri Union Court car park, with complimentary parking on the weekends for up to three hours.

The Kambri Film Fest 2021 is part of the HERE I AM: Art by Great Women festival and has been curated to celebrate and elevate the contributions of creative women in the film industry.

HERE I AM: Art by Great Women

A nation unites in the name of art and expression at Kambri this summer

Inspired by the Know My Name movement and in a cultural partnership with the National Gallery of Australia (NGA), HERE I AM: Art by Great Women is a showcase of contemporary Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists from multi-disciplinary backgrounds including street art, fine art, photography, illustration, digital, sculpture, film and more.

Presented by Kambri at ANU, curated by aMBUSH Gallery and with over 100 featured artists, the summer-long family-friendly festival aims to re-energise our cultural landscape by showcasing some of Australia’s best female creative talent, in the heart of our nation. Activations will include outdoor public art and gallery exhibitions, live art and music events, craft workshops, film screenings, and more.

Running until 28 February 2021, HERE I AM: Art by Great Women will coincide with Know My Name by the NGA and will proudly feature contemporary female creatives including Gemma O’Brien, Georgia Hill, Aretha Brown, Lucy O’Doherty, Minna Leunig, Faith Kerehona, Bohie Palecek, Helen Proctor, George Rose, Noni Cragg, Kaff-eine, Nanami Cowdroy, Nicole Reed, and Selina Miles, to name but a few.

Comprising free public events across the Kambri precinct – including free parking on weekends – it’s a lively program appealing to audiences of all ages and backgrounds, and will provide an invaluable platform for women artists and creatives to engage with the broader community.

Some of the events on offer are:

– A large-scale display of work from 24 Australian female artists at the new outdoor venue, Exhibition Avenue. This free exhibition will be accessible to the general public 24 hours, 7 days a week.

– A group exhibition at aMBUSH Gallery Kambri headlining female artists working across a range of disciplines, including painters, illustrators, photographers, digital artists, object designers, and sculptors. The exhibition is free and will be open to the public daily from 10am-6pm weekdays and 12pm-5pm on weekends.

– In January, the Kambri Film Fest is back in the Kambri Cinema and will host two screenings per day across three weekends – a family-friendly segment with films starring heroines, and an ‘after hours’ session with films directed and written by women. Admission is free.

– On selected Sundays, the central Kambri Lawn will become a rousing stage for artists to put their painting skills on show. Live Art Sessions is a free public event that will feature an all-female roster of artists creating new work – all to the tune of live music provided by ANU and local Canberra musicians. 

– Kambri’s regular crowd-pleasing Music on the Greens will be a feature of each weekend during the festival. An all-female music talent schedule including Liv Li, Kim Yang, Dana Hassall, and Lucy Sugerman will bring live music to the Kambri Lawns. Free for attendees.

– Lakespeare & Co will conduct their fourth summer season with a free preview performance and interactive rehearsal of Measure for Measure presented exclusively for Kambri at ANU and the HERE I AM festival. Be prepared for the presentation of bold female leaders in this black comedy by the Bard.  

– The summer holidays will bring a range of free family-friendly activities led by female creatives. Kids will have the opportunity to get their hands dirty with art and craft workshops in aMBUSH Gallery, and keep in step with Kulture Break run dance workshops on the Kambri Lawns.

For the full festival schedule, visit https://kambri.com.au/event/here-i-am-art-by-great-women/


Enter the charmed world of Harry Hartog Booksellers at Kambri

In the heart of the Kambri precinct at ANU, situated on the ground floor just below aMBUSH Gallery, there’s a magical space lined with shelves and filled with books. Welcome to Harry Hartog Booksellers – a meeting place between the many worlds that make up university life.

Their shop is self-proclaimed as “for the adventurer, the student of life and the next generation of reader” and they offer old-fashioned quality and creative ideas as the cornerstone of their community.

As one of Kambri’s flagship retailers, Harry Hartog’s Kambri stock includes textbooks, ANU merchandise, imported academic books, and ANU’s local authors and academics’ works, but customers of all ages and interests will discover new and second hand books that surprise and delight with every visit.

Harry Hartog has also become a key partner in one of ANU’s most popular public event series – Meet the Author.

For nearly three decades, the Meet the Author events have enthralled ANU staff and students, as well as the wider Canberra community, with some of the biggest names in literature gracing the stage, and now they’ve come to Kambri with Harry Hartog onboard.

Past talks and book signings have included appearances from the likes of Shaun Micallef, Archie Roach, Natasha Stott Despoja, Tony Jones, Jane Caro, Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, AM, Blanche D’Alpuget and Erik Jensen.

In addition to Meet the Author talks, there are also in-store author visits and signings, curated book lists, plus live Story Time and school holiday programs for the little readers in your life.

Their stores don’t just stop at books; they also have an extensive range of cards and amazing gifts you won’t find anywhere else.

For the avid book buyer, Harry Hartog have a fantastic loyalty program – it’s free and easy to join, and as a member you can earn points from your purchases, which can then be redeemed against future purchases. They figured that the best way to reward their community of booklovers is to help them do what they love best… read more books!

As if they weren’t already fabulous enough, Harry Hartog also supplies and promotes products and services that meet ethical, sustainable and environmental trade practices.

So whether you can’t quite figure out the title of that book you’re looking for, need a specific textbook for uni, need to order a special something for a special someone, or are simply looking for advice on what to read next, the friendly, knowledgeable staff from the Kambri store will be there to assist.


There’s plenty to do for people of all ages at Kambri

When Kambri opened to the public in early 2019, it was a once-in-a generation change to the heart of the ANU campus that has made life here more lively, opening up this beautiful campus to staff, students and the entire Canberra community as an events and leisure destination.

For thousands of years, Aboriginal people came together, shared stories and learnt at the places we now call ANU and Sullivan’s Creek, so it’s only fitting that Kambri has transformed into a meeting place like no other.

There’s so much to discover in the vibrant public realm at Kambri …

University Avenue

University Avenue provides a welcoming and attractive and connection between Kambri, The ANU and the Canberra CBD.

It’s a streetscape designed for pedestrians, with picturesque trees, street furniture and smart poles featuring lighting, power, CCTV and Wi-Fi.

Events and activities such as markets and O-Week celebrations utilise its linear form and dedicated infrastructure on a regular basis, with the Avenue also playing a role for vehicle VIP entries into the ANU for special events.

The latest drawcard is ‘Exhibition Avenue’, an innovative initiative of Kambri at ANU, produced and curated by aMBUSH Gallery, which opened in July this year. It will feature a free year-round program of multidisciplinary exhibitions and activations, with an aim to showcase and support our world-class talent – both emerging and established – and provide an ever-changing ‘walk of art’ for staff, students, locals and visitors to Canberra alike.

The Kambri Lawn

The Kambri Lawn with its colourful bean bags has been a fan favourite since day one. As the weather warms up and we head towards summer, it’s the perfect place to relax between lectures while enjoying lunch from one of the many quality retail offerings.

Soak up the sun and the knowledge in the wide-open spaces, where it’s possible to feel like you have people around you, but still maintain COVID-compliant social distancing.

Grab a book from Harry Hartog, and sit in the landscaped gardens under one of the growing trees or at a picnic bench.

For the more active among us, there are regular activations including Fitness on the. Greens, and the popular Music on the Greens, which has been expanded to include Saturday and Sunday sessions.

The Amphitheatre

Overlooking Sullivan’s Creek, the purpose-built Amphitheatre is a spectacular place to eat lunch, watch concerts and soak up the village atmosphere. The stage sits on the reconfigured pond, with dedicated paths allowing access for productions in the space.

The Amphitheatre caters for a wide variety of events including ad-hoc performances and festivals and events, such as the extremely popular ‘Lakespeare’ (Shakespeare by the Lake) and the free nightly Kambri Film Fest held in January.

Weeping willows have been retained on the western side of Sullivan’s Creek to provide shade during summer months, and seating features grass as a cooling element.

The stunning Indigenous garden was planted in consultation with local Indigenous groups and will provide enjoyment for many years to come.

The Retail Offerings

A dynamic mix of over fifty retail outlets contributes to the vibrancy of Kambri. ANU students, staff and visitors can experience a variety of retail offerings on a daily basis, including a casual quick takeaway-style meal, cafes, bars, a grocery shop, bank, pharmacy, optometrist, bookstore, hairdresser, gym and more.

The Kambri precinct embodies the spirit of Canberra – connecting public spaces to culture, entertainment and education year-round, through a dynamic mix of eateries, art, film, music, theatre, sport and thought, all in a contemporary village setting, for all to enjoy.


Enjoy a fascinating journey back in time at aMBUSH Gallery Kambri, discovering the activism and outrage of generations of ANU students.

During the month of October, aMBUSH Gallery Kambri will be filled with sights and sounds that represent student life at ANU over the past seven decades, with the opening of the new exhibition Woroni – 70 Years of Outrage and Activism.

It’s a fascinating collection from the archives of Woroni, the student media organisation, which sprang to life in 1950. What started as a humble student newspaper has since morphed into a print magazine, a website, a radio station and a TV program, providing multiple outlets for ANU students to have their voices heard.

Woroni – 70 Years of Outrage and Activism proudly showcases the diverse work and thoughts of hundreds of ANU students who have contributed to Woroni over the years. Upon its establishment, Woroni quickly forged a reputation for scrutinising and commenting on social justice, political, and environmental themes, to name a few. These topics are reflected in the sizeable collection of material chosen for display, and will evoke feelings of nostalgia, pride, reminiscence, wonder and amusement in viewers of all ages.

Curated by current Woroni staff and presented by aMBUSH Gallery, it’s an entertaining and often humorous retrospective that affectionately highlights the different generations of students who have passed through the university, and their engagement with issues both specific to their era, and those that have remained the same over time.

The exhibition includes a 7-metre-long timeline feature wall, a display of full-colour reprints of dozens of past Woroni covers, an overview of the history of Woroni, plus separate walls devoted to Activism (feminism, Indigenous rights, LGBTIQ+ issues, politics, free speech), Outrage (sex, drugs, nudity, profanity), Woroni Radio and Woroni Television.

Woroni – 70 Years of Outrage and Activism doesn’t shy away from the controversy surrounding the use of the word ‘woroni’. Chosen by the editorial board of 1950, it’s suggested it was taken without permission from the language of the Wadi Wadi nation from northern Victoria, with the translation meaning ‘mouth’ and perhaps extrapolated to ‘mouthpiece’. The modern-day Woroni Board acknowledge the complicated history behind the name and the legacy of stolen Indigenous names it contributes to.

The exhibition will be open to the public daily from 10am-6pm weekdays and 12pm-5pm on weekends until Sunday, 1 November. Admission is free.

For more information visit ambushgallery.com and look for aMBUSH Gallery on Facebook and Instagram for exhibition updates.


Catch your favourite authors in conversation in the ANU Meet the Author series – now from the comfort of your home!

With over two dozen events and counting, the ever-popular Meet The Author series has been drawing some of the biggest names in literature, history, politics, science and current affairs to Kambri since the precinct’s opening 18 months ago.

It’s a highly successful partnership between ANU, the Canberra Times, Kambri, and Harry Hartog Booksellers, and is part of the larger ANU/Canberra Times Meet The Author series that has been captivating the Canberra community for almost three decades.

Prior to the mandatory restrictions on social gatherings caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many of the Meet The Author events were held in T2, the multi-use event space located on the upper level of the Cultural Centre. Events attracting larger crowds of over 500 – such as the ‘In Conversation’ featuring comedian and writer Shaun Micallef discussing his book ‘Mad as Hell and Back’ – were held in the spacious Manning Clark Hall.

Each event also gave members of the general public the opportunity to purchase the guest speaker’s book from Harry Hartog and have it personally signed either before or at the conclusion of the talk.

Stand-out events at Kambri have so far included: Australia’s favourite science guru, Dr Karl Kruszelnicki; award-winning writer and journalist, Jane Caro; Karen Viggars, the Canberra award-winning author of three international bestselling novels; the ABC Q&A host and one of Australia’s most admired journalists, Tony Jones; and Blanche d’Alpuget, whose latest book ‘Bob Hawke: The Complete Biography’ details the life of her late husband.

Although social gathering restrictions caused the cancellation of some Meet the Author events, ANU soon found a way to continue them in the virtual world, giving book lovers and knowledge seekers the chance to gain insights into their favourite authors, year-round. Signed copies of the books are still available to purchase online on the Harry Hartog website.

The first virtual event was held in April and was a conversation between former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, who spoke about his recently released memoir, ‘A Bigger Picture’, with Katharine Murphy, the Guardian Australia’s political editor. You can view the conversation here. 

Upcoming virtual live events include appearances from:

  • Marian Wilkinson discussing her new book ‘The Carbon Club’, the inside story of how a network of influential climate sceptics, politicians and business leaders fought to control Australia’s climate policy.
  • Chris Wallace on her book ‘How To Win An Election’, which spells out the ten things a political leader and their party must excel at to maximise the chance of success, and against which they should be accountable between and during elections.
  • Katharine Murphy with a timely exploration of her new Quarterly Essay, ‘The End of Certainty. Scott Morrison and Pandemic Politics’.
  • Andrew Leigh and Nick Terrell on their new book ‘Reconnected. A Community Builder’s Handbook’.

Check here for the latest news on the Meet the Author series.

Meet the Author talks are also regularly podcasted and are available through Soundcloud.

As restrictions are eased, we look forward to once again hosting in-person gatherings for Meet the Author events at Kambri.


PARSA Cycles at Kambri is ready to help make your cycling experience better than ever!

After a three-month hiatus, PARSA Cycles is open for business again, assisting the ANU and Canberra community with all their biking needs. After having opened their doors in March – just as the COVID19 pandemic hit – and having to close almost immediately, the team are grateful to have received such a warm welcome for their reopening in June.

PARSA Cycles is a social enterprise that gives pre-loved bikes a second chance, as well as offering a limited number of new cycles for sale, with a focus on maintenance and repair for students, faculty, and Canberrans alike.

With campus reopening, many students and staff are getting their bikes serviced and ready for the coming warmer months, which means the workshop is getting busier too. Stock – including chains, brake pads and cables – is constantly being replenished to keep bikes running safe and smoothly.

Popular accessories, such as locks, lights, racks and helmets, are in constant demand, while other items like grips, pumps, and multi-tools are growing with the cycling boom that has accompanied the pandemic.

If you need anything to get your dream bike build finished or to replace old worn-out items, drop by the store and have a chat with the shop manager Zac or one of the team members. They’re open Monday to Friday from 10am until 3pm.

You’ll find Zac super friendly and easy to talk to – he’s an ANU student himself, finishing off a Bachelor of Design at the School of Art and Design. He might even show you his own bike – a Vivente Swabia frame that he built up with Campagnolo shifters, Salsa Cowchippers, and a Rawland Cycles front rack.

Don’t worry if all of that sounds like a foreign language to you – the PARSA Cycles team is happy to let you know as much or as little as you like about bike repairs and maintenance. In fact, when social gathering restrictions allow, they plan to host free workshops to educate students on the basics of bike maintenance and repair – they see it as an investment in students and the future by empowering them to be self-reliant and getting the most out of their bike.

There are several standard services on offer, including:

  • $10 tube change
  • $30 brake adjust
  • $40 gear adjust
  • $60 basic service
  • $100 general service (which includes a wheel true, adjusting and lubricating the gears and brakes, and a clean). 

Staff from PARSA Cycles can also recommend some of their favourite areas to ride near Canberra, and in the future will start some casual group rides from the shop so locals can meet other people who love to cycle.

For more information you can visit @PARSACycles on Facebook or @parsa.anu on Instagram, search their website www.parsacycles.com or email them at [email protected]

What are you waiting for? On your bike!